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CPA publications catalogue
Full list of NCCOP/CPA publications since 1948
International Case Studies
A series of twelve international case studies carried out on behalf of the GO Science Foresight programme
Case study 1: Extending working lives in
(January 2016)
Case study 2: Training older workers in
(January 2016)
Case study 3: Long-term care in
the Home and Community Care (HACC) / Commonwealth Home Support (CHSP) programme
(January 2016)
Case Study 4: Housing for Dementia and Integrated Care in the
(January 2016)
Case Study 5: Promoting age friendly businesses in
(January 2016)
Case Study 6: Integrated Care in
New Zealand
(January 2016)
Case Study 7: Home care provision in
- the use of migrant labour
(January 2016)
Case Study 8: Long term care insurance in
(January 2016)
Case Study 9: Long term care insurance in
(January 2016)
Case Study 10: Carers leave in
(January 2016)
Case Study 11: Co-operative housing for older people in
(January 2016)
Case Study 12: Intergenerational living in
(January 2016)
Reports and briefings
The ageing of the ethnic minority populations of England and Wales: findings from the 2011 census.
(June 2013)
‘Wellness’: Prevention and the sustainability of health and well-being in older age.
(March 2013)
A profile of residents in Bupa care homes: results from the 2012 Bupa census.
(December 2012)
Oldness is not Illness - Promoting health and well-being for older people
(October 2012)
PANICOA - A small study to support the development of a dissemination strategy of key findings and recommendations in the care home sector
(October 2012)
How can the care experience of older people in care homes be improved?
(September 2012)
Managing and administering medication in care homes for older people.
(April 2012)
Keep dancing
(June 2011)
The changing role of care homes
(January 2011)
How can local authorities with less money support better outcomes for older people?
(January 2011)
The future ageing of the ethnic minority population of England and Wales
(July 2010)
CPA Rapid Review
Ethnicity and Older Age in the UK
(May 2022)
Diversity in Older Age
(A series of reviews carried out on behalf of Age UK)
Disability in Older Age
(June 2016)
Older Gypsies and Travellers
(September 2016)
Older Religious Minorities
(October 2016)
Older Offenders
(November 2016)
Older Refugees and Asylum Seekers
(December 2016)
Older Lesbian, Gay and Bi-sexual people and Older Transgender people
(January 2017)
Homelessness in Older Age
(March 2017)
The Landscape of Evidence on Ageing in the UK
An evidence landscape review - sources of evidence on what works to improve later life
(An evidence review carried out on behalf of Centre for Ageing Better)
(April 2016)
CPA Rapid Reviews
Older and sandwich generation carers and the impact of caring
(August 2015)
The potential impact, for older people, of new technologies
(July 2014)
The care and support of older people - an international perspective
(July 2014)
Outcomes against which the success of prevention should be monitored
(June 2014)
Using housing wealth and other assets to pay for care
(June 2014)
Resilience in Older Age
(May 2014)
The effectiveness of care pathways in health and social care
(May 2014)
Changing family structures and their impact on the care of older people.
(May 2014)
Early review by a senior clinician in accident and emergency
(May 2014)
Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation for heart failure
(May 2014)
Pulmonary Rehabilitation for patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
(May 2014)
Coaching Style
(May 2014)
Interventions to combat smoking and obesity
(May 2014)
‘Wellness’ interventions
(April 2014)
The prevention of urinary tract infections
(March 2014)
The effectiveness of training and other interventions in care homes
(March 2014)
The effectiveness of Community Pharmacy Medication (Medicine Use) Reviews
(March 2014)
Loneliness - evidence of the effectiveness of interventions
(March 2014)
Health coaches - do they work and what for?
(March 2014)
Age discrimination
A series of reviews carried out on behalf of the Department of Health.
Ageism and age discrimination in primary and community health care in the United Kingdom
(December 2009)
Ageism and age discrimination in secondary health care in the United Kingdom
(December 2009)
Ageism and age discrimination in mental health care in the United Kingdom
(December 2009)
Ageism and age discrimination in social care in the United Kingdom
(December 2009)
The likely costs and benefits of legislation to prohibit age discrimination in health, social care and mental health services and definitions of age discrimination that might be operationalised for measurement.
(December 2007)
Financial abuse
The financial abuse of older people.
A review from the literature, carried out on behalf of Help the Aged
(Report as published by HtA - October 2008)
The financial abuse of older people.
(Summary of CPA's report to HtA with key references - March 2007)
The financial abuse of older people.
(CPA's full review, as submitted to HtA, together with a list of key websites and resources, a selected bibliography and an appendix outlining search strategies and results - March 2007)
Older people in London
Developing policy and practice for older people in London.
(August 2004)
A review carried out on behalf of The Association of London Government.
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