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Worldwide Resources in Ageing
United Kingdom Europe Middle East |
Asia Australasia North America |
South America |
United Kingdom (including UK based trans-national bodies)
- A-Z Care Homes Guide
- Abbeyfield Society
- Action on Elder Abuse
- Age Action Alliance
- Age and Ageing
- Age of Creativity
- Age of No Retirement
- Age Exchange
- Age UK
- Ageing Well without Children (AWwoC)
- Ageing & Society
- AgeNet
- Agile Ageing Alliance
- Alzheimer's Disease International
- Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia
- Alzheimer's Society
- Anchor Trust
- Association for Education and Ageing
- Association of Retired and Persons over 50
- Attend
- The Beth Johnson Foundation
- bettercaring.co.uk
- British Association for Service to the Elderly
- British Geriatrics Society
- British Library - Social Welfare Portal
- British Society of Gerontology
- British Society for Research on Ageing
- The Campaign Against Age Discrimination in Employment
- Campaign to End Loneliness
- CareandHealth
- Care & Repair, England
- Care England
- Care Services Improvement Partnership (CSIP)
- Carers UK
- Centre for Ageing Better
- Centre for Economic Research on Ageing
- Centre for Policy on Ageing
- Centre for Research on Ageing, University of Southampton
- Centre for Research on Ageing and Gender, University of Surrey
- Centre for Research into the Older Workforce (CROW)
- Centre for Reviews & Dissemination, University of York
- Centre for Social Policy Research and Development, University of Wales, Bangor
- The Cinnamon Trust
- Contact the Elderly
- Counselling Directory - Bereavement
- Creating an Interprofessional Workforce
- Dementia Connect - Alzheimers Society
- Dementia Research Centre UK
- Dementia Services Development Centre, Stirling
- Digital Unite
- Eighty Something
- Elderly Accommodation Counsel
- The Elders
- Employers Forum on Age
- English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA)
- EngAgeNet
- ERoSH (Emerging Role of Sheltered Housing)
- European Research Area in Ageing (ERA-AGE) [University of Sheffield]
- From Generation to Generation
- Full of Life campaign
- Grandparents Plus
- Grey Pride
- Growing Older, The ESRC Research Programme on Extending Quality of Life
- Hanover Housing
- Housing21
- HelpAge International
- IndependentAge (RUKBA)
- Institute for Ageing, University of Newcastle
- International Longevity Centre – UK
- Keele Centre for Social Gerontology
- King's College Institute of Gerontology, London (formerly ACIOG)
- The Life Academy
- Learning and Work Institute
- The National Care Forum
- National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi)
- National Innovation Centre for Ageing
- National Pensioner's Convention
- New Dynamics of Ageing
- NIACE, Older and Bolder - see Learning and Work Institute.
[Many former NIACE publications can be found on Stephen McNair website]. - Older Feminists' Network
- Older People's Advocacy Alliance
- Older People's Programme (OPP) at NDTi
- The Open University, Centre for Ageing and Biographical Studies
- Oxford Institute of Ageing
- Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association
- Policy Research Institute on Ageing and Ethnicity (PRIAE)
- The Relatives & Residents Association
- Research into Ageing
- Retired and Senior Volunteer Programme
- Retirement Expert
- Royal College of Art - Helen Hamlyn Centre - Age & Diversity / Healthcare
- Royal United Kingdom Beneficent Association (now IndependentAge )
- Sage Research Group, London School of Economics and Political Science
- Seniors Network
- Sheffield Institute for Studies on Ageing
- Social Policy Digest
- 3rdagehomes.org
- Third Age Employment Network
- Third Age Press
- Timebanking UK
- Turn2us - access to welfare, benefits and grants
- United for All Ages
- U3A, The Third Age Trust, University of the Third Age
- UK Age Research Forum (UKARF)
- UK Coalition on Older Homelessness
- Volunteering Matters
- AGE, the European Older People's Platform
- Age Action Ireland
- Age & Opportunity, Ireland
- Ageing and Ethnicity Web
- Alzheimer Europe
- Berlin Aging Study (BASE)
- Deutsches Zentrum für Alternsforschung
- Deutsches Zentrum für Altersfragen
- The ESA Research Network on Ageing in Europe
- The European Commission, Ageing Policy
- EURAG, European Federation of the Elderly
- European Journal of Ageing
- TNO Centre for Ageing Research, Leiden, Netherlands
- Gerontology in the Netherlands
- International Federation of Associations of the Elderly (FIAPA)
- MediaAge
- Monitoring the Regional Implementation Strategy
- Older Women's Network, Europe
- Portal Mayores, Spain
- Research Group on Aging and the Life Course (FALL), Berlin
- SENIORWEB, Austria
- SENIORWEB, Netherlands
- The Social Gerontology Group, Department of Sociology, Uppsala University, Sweden
- TÁRKI, Hungary
- Third Age Guidance
- World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Middle East
- Alzheimer's Association New South Wales
- Alzheimer's Australia
- Council on the Ageing
- National Ageing Research Institute, Melbourne
- Department for Communities, Western Australia
- Office for Senior Citizens, New Zealand
- The Older People and Life project, University of Sydney
North America
- Alzheimer's Association, Chicago, Illinois
- Alzheimer's Disease Research (American Health Assistance Foundation)
- AARP (formerly American Association of Retired Persons), ..
- Ageline
- The Canadian Centre for Elder Law Studies (CCELS)
- Cyberseniors
- Department of Elder Affairs, Florida
- ElderCare Web, Aging, Death and Dying
- Fifty Plus Net (Canadian Association of Retired Persons)
- The University of Georgia Gerontology Center
- Gerontology Research Centre, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada
- GeroWeb, Wayne State University, Institute of Gerontology, Detroit, Michigan
- Global Action on Aging
- Health and Age
- Health Web: Geriatrics & Gerontology
- Institute for Human Development, Life Course and Aging, University of Toronto, Canada
- International Association of Homes and Services for the Ageing
- International Federation on Ageing
- International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
- Leadership Council of Aging Organisations
- The National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging
- National Institute on Aging
- National Council for Aging Care
- National Library of Medicine , Medline
- Population Aging Research Center, University of Pennsylvania
- Portals Aging
- Seniornet
- Seniors Computer Information Project, Manitoba, Canada
South America
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