Centre for Policy on Ageing


Look After Your Heart programme
 — impact on health status, exercise knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour of retired women in England
Author(s)Linda Rowland, Edward J Dickinson, Penny Newman
Journal titleJournal of Epidemiology and Community Health, vol 48, 1994
Pagespp 123-128
KeywordsOlder women ; Retired persons ; Health [elderly] ; Exercise ; Attitude ; Over 70s ; Heart disease ; Projects ; Evaluation.
AnnotationIn this evaluation, three groups of retired women were compared: group 1 (200 women), drawn from 12 retirement groups, participated in the Look After Your Heart programme; group 2, drawn randomly from the same groups (192 women), declined; and group 3, selected randomly from 12 different retirement groups, were not offered the course (347 women). The participants, mean age 66 years, belonged to retirement groups established by a major national retail company. The Nottingham Health Profile was administered, and exercise knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of the three groups assessed using a validated questionnaire. Group 1 had significantly better self-perceived health, indicated by lower Health Profile scores, more exercise knowledge, and positive exercise attitudes, and they also did more exercise than the other two groups. The responses of groups 2 and 3 were similar. Time since completion of the programme had no effect on scores, exercise knowledge, or behaviour. Detailed studies are needed to confirm whether the results obtained are due to the Look After Your Heart programme, or reflect the selection of fitter, healthier subjects. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-991223022 A
ClassmarkBD: BB6: CC: CEA: DP: BBK: CQH: 3E: 4C *

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