Centre for Policy on Ageing


Housing benefit and supported accommodation
Author(s)Andreas Cebulla
Corporate AuthorSocial Research Branch, Department of Social Security - DSS
PublisherDSS Social Research Branch, London, 1999
Pagesunnumbered (Department of Social Security research summary)
SourceKeith Watson, Social Research Branch, Adelphi, 1-11 John Adam Street, London WC2N 6HT.
KeywordsHousing benefit [Nov 82] ; Sheltered housing ; Rented dwellings ; Social surveys.
AnnotationSupported accommodation schemes provide services to tenants, which are not normally available in the mainstream housing sector, such as meals or counselling. Housing Benefit (HB) may be used to fund property-related costs of accommodation schemes and some services relating to the schemes' maintenance and to administering basic "good neighbourly" tasks. Department of Social Security (DSS) research report no.93 presents estimates of the number of HB claimants in Britain who were in supported accommodation in 1996/97 and the amount of HB spent on support services considered ineligible for HB at that time. The research was carried out by the Social Security Unit at the Centre for Research in Social Policy, Loughborough University. The research found that providers of supported accommodation used a diversity of methods to calculate the cost of providing support and accommodation and to determine their charges, but the HB administrators applied different measures to assess benefit entitlement. In most instances, charges for ineligible services were not fully deducted. In about a third of cases, deductions exceeded the real cost of providing services. Only a small minority of claims was soundly based. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-991220241 B
ClassmarkJH8: KLA: KEE: 3F *

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