Centre for Policy on Ageing


Falls prevention over 2 years
 — a randomized controlled trial in women 80 years and older
Author(s)A John Campbell, M Clare Robertson, Melinda M Gardner
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 28, no 6, October 1999
Pagespp 513-530
KeywordsExercise ; Preventative medicine ; Falls ; Older women ; Octogenarians ; New Zealand.
AnnotationFalls and injuries can be reduced by an individually tailored exercise programme in the home, as was the authors' aim in assessing the effectiveness of the programme developed by general practices in Dunedin, New Zealand. After 1 year of this programme of strength and balance retraining exercises, women completing the trial from both exercise (71, or 69%) and control (81, or 74%) groups agreed to to continue for a further year. After 2 years, the rate of falls remained significantly lower in the exercise group than in the control group. Those complying with the exercise programme at 2 years had a higher level of physical capacity at baseline, were more likely to have reported falling in the year before the study, and had remained more confident in the first year about not falling compared with the rest of the exercise group. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-991201229 A
ClassmarkCEA: LK2: OLF: BD: BBM: 7YN

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