Centre for Policy on Ageing


The gaze and visibility of the carer
 — a Foucauldian analysis of the discourse of informal care
Author(s)Janet Heaton
Journal titleSociology of Health & Illness, vol 21, no 6, November 1999
Pagespp 759-777
KeywordsInformal care ; Policy ; Philosophy.
AnnotationWorking from a Foucauldian perspective, the author considers three questions. When was it first possible to speak of "the informal carer"? What are the characteristics of the discourse of informal care? And, what are the the conditions of the possibility of the informal carer's recognition? Following an analysis of the appearance and conceptualisation of the informal carer in policy and related discourse since the 1970s, the visibility of this figure is situated in the context of the historical transformation - its devolution to "relays" and its extension to the whole population and the "whole person" - underpinned the shift in emphasis from care in the community to care by the community in the 1970s, and the associated development of the discourse of community care. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-991201201 A
ClassmarkP6: QAD: 4DP

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