Centre for Policy on Ageing


Rural vs urban geropsychiatric patients
 — differences on demographic and psychiatric measures
Author(s)Victor Molinari, Wally Boeve, Mark E Kunik
Journal titleClinical Gerontologist, vol 20, no 3, 1999
Pagespp 45-56
KeywordsPsychogeriatric patients ; Urban areas ; Rural areas ; Demography ; Mental health [elderly] ; Evaluation ; United States of America.
AnnotationThere has been limited research comparing geropsychiatric patients living in rural versus urban settings. This study explored demographic and psychiatric characteristics in a sample of geropsychiatric in-patients, 339 from urban areas, and 30 from rural areas. On admission, rural patients were significantly less likely to live in a nursing home, but not on discharge. Rural patients also had more physical problems and anxiety or depression prior to admission, and were physically agitated, verbally agitated, and anxious or depressed at discharge. Both urban and rural groups improved significantly with in-patient treatment on almost all psychiatric variables. Pre-post test change scores on psychiatric variables revealed few differences in improvement between rural and urban groups. Benefit of in-patient geropsychiatric treatment may be not only to improve rural patients' psychiatric symptomatology, but also to provide for a more structured and supervised discharge living environment. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-991109237 A
ClassmarkLF:E: RK: RL: S8: D: 4C: 7T

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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