Centre for Policy on Ageing


Sexual risk-taking in later life
Author(s)C Merryn Gott
Journal titleReviews in Clinical Gerontology, vol 9, no 2, May 1999
Pagespp 139-150
KeywordsSexual activity ; Personal relationships ; At risk ; AIDS ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationThe neglect of older people as a topic for study in the field of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) appears to be fuelled by two related assumptions. First, that older people are not sexually active, or, if they are, this is always within the context of a mutually monogamous married relationship. Second, that the implications of engaging in "risky" sexual behaviours are less important for older people than for younger people. This review examines the existing literature by identifying: levels and correlates of sexual activity and sexual risk-taking in later life; evidence of STIs in the older population, including HIV or AIDS; and evidence of contact with health care professionals by older people with STI-related concerns. The author concludes that it is easier to identify gaps in our knowledge than factual information concerning prevalence of STI in older populations. Health care professionals need to be aware that their older patients may need advice on sexual health matters. Our attitudes as to who is at risk of contracting STIs must not allow the sexual health needs of older people to be ignored. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-991104213 A
ClassmarkBIU: DS: CA3: CQTT: 64A

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