Centre for Policy on Ageing


Setting up relatives' groups in homes
Corporate AuthorRelatives Association
PublisherRelatives Association, London, 1996
Pages16 pp
SourceRelatives Association, 5 Tavistock Place, London WC1H 9SS.
KeywordsCare homes ; Nursing homes ; The Family ; Self help organisations.
AnnotationThere are many good reasons for relatives coming together within residential care and nursing homes to exchange their views with each other, and with the management and staff. Relatives groups are support groups: they can support the relative, the residents, and a home's management and staff. The Relatives Association has received many requests about setting up a relatives group within a home. Although this booklet is primarily aimed at home managers, it is also intended to be read by relatives, friends and staff. It outlines ways in which a relatives group can help, with some preliminary suggestions on starting a group and the first meetings. Later sections deal with ongoing organisation, reviewing progress, what to do when things don't work, and liaison with the Relatives Association and other groups. The Relatives Association has received a small grant from the Department of Health (DoH) to extend its study, for which comments and suggestions are welcome on ideas to improve the booklet. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990928205 P
ClassmarkKW: LHB: SJ: PQ *

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