Centre for Policy on Ageing


Income protection and the elderly
 — an examination of social security policy in Singapore
Author(s)William K M Lee
Journal titleJournal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, vol 13, no 4, 1998
Pagespp 291-307
KeywordsSocial security [generally] ; Poor elderly ; Social policy ; Singapore.
AnnotationThe impact of the ageing population on social security policy in Singapore is examined. The adequacies of public policy responses - specifically the Public Assistance Program and the Central Provident Fund (CPF) - are explored. The Singapore government's strategy of minimal approach to social security is challenged. Poverty among older people is on the increase. Members from the working poor - a group that disproportionately consists of women and Malays - have inadequate retirement income protection, and are most likely to slip into poverty as they age. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990826269 A
ClassmarkTYA: F:W6: TM2: 7XD

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