Centre for Policy on Ageing


Promoting well-being and independence for people with dementia
 — commentary
Author(s)Ronan O'Carroll
Corporate Author"What Works in Dementia Care" Symposium, Stirling, 1998
Journal titleInternational Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, vol 14, no 2 [Proceedings of the symposium held in Scotland, June 1998, Part 1], February 1999
Pagespp 105-107
KeywordsDementia ; Well being ; Independence ; Self care capacity ; Research Reviews.
AnnotationO'Carroll provides the first of two commentaries on Bob Woods' paper. Woods has provided a clear and thorough review of the available evidence on promoting well-being and independence for those with dementia. However, the samples sizes used are small, and generalisations should be made with some caution. O'Carroll's commentary considers qualitative versus quantitative research design, and single-case versus group study designs. He wonders why memory aids have not been evaluated more in dementia. Psychosocial researchers have a responsibility to produce clear, well-controlled, ecologically valid research proposals which are likely to produce results, and which will lead to greater independence and well-being for those with dementia. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990825227 A
ClassmarkEA: D:F:5HH: C3: CA: 3A:6KC

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