Centre for Policy on Ageing


Multidisciplinary teamworking in the care of elderly patients with hip fracture
Author(s)Alison J Tierney, Jo Vallis
Journal titleJournal of Interprofessional Care, vol 13, no 1, 1999
Pagespp 41-52
KeywordsFractures ; Orthopaedics ; Aftercare ; Coordination ; Multi disciplinary ; Scotland.
AnnotationThe importance of "good teamwork" and "multidisciplinary collaboration" has been highlighted recently in recommendations for "best practice" in the care of older patients with hip fracture. Where any elaboration is offered, however, it concentrates narrowly on the specific component of "ortho-geriatric collaboration". This has also been the focus of research in the field. It is argued in this article that further research into the effectiveness of multidisciplinary teamworking in hip fracture care cannot proceed without first understanding the ways in which teams actually operate in current practice, whether in specialised rehabilitation units or in ordinary orthopaedic wards. An empirical dimension to this discussion is provided by drawing on a recent four-centre study of hip fracture care in Scotland which shows that, although the basic membership of orthopaedic teams is fairly standard, there are considerable variations in staffing levels and composition and in the extent of geriatrician involvement and styles of teamworking. Although this paper is concerned with reshaping a specific research agenda, it should stimulate discussion on teamworking arrangements. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990805202 A
ClassmarkCUF: LKB: LN: QAJ: 3DM: 9A *

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