Centre for Policy on Ageing


Family life of older black men
Author(s)Colleen L Johnson
Journal titleJournal of Aging Studies, vol 13, no 2, Summer 1999
Pagespp 145-160
KeywordsBlack people ; Older men ; Family relationships ; Social contacts ; Social surveys ; United States of America.
AnnotationBased on data from two studies conducted in the San Francisco Bay Area, this report explores family structure and functioning among 58 black men whose ages range from 65 to 96. In comparison to women in this study, men are no more likely to be isolated from their family. In fact, more men are married and live with others, and there are no significant differences in other indicators of family integration. There were no significant differences in the instrumental and expressive supports from members of the extended family. Those men who are married have a strong relationship with their wives. Most fathers have active relationships with their children, but are closer to sons over daughters and proximal children over distant ones. Collateral relationships include strong bonds with siblings and siblings' children. Those with few family relationships have pieced-together networks of friends and kindred. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990728227 A
ClassmarkTKE: BC: DS:SJ: TOA: 3F: 7T

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