Centre for Policy on Ageing


Prioritising investments in health technology assessment
 — can we assess the potential value for money?
Author(s)Linda Davies, Michael Drummond, Panos Papanikoloau
Corporate AuthorCentre for Health Economics, University of York
PublisherUniversity of York, York, 1999
Pages19 pp (Centre for Health Economics Discussion paper 170)
SourcePublications Centre, Centre for Health Economics, University of York YO1 5DD.
KeywordsNational Health Service ; Medical care ; Technology ; Costs [care] ; Cost benefit analysis ; Mathematical models.
AnnotationThe objective was to develop an economic prioritisation model to assist those involved in (i) the selection and prioritisation of health technology assessment topics, and (ii) commissioning of HTA projects. The model used decision analytic techniques to estimate the expected costs and benefits of the health care interventions which were the focus of the HTA question(s) considered by the NHS Health Technology Assessment Programme in England. Initial estimation of the value for money of HTA was conducted for a number of topics considered in 1997 and 1998. The main conclusion was that it is feasible to conduct ex ante assessments of the value for money of HTA for specific topics. However, a considerable amount of work is required to ensure that the methods used are valid, reliable, consistent and an efficient use of valuable research time. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990727211 B
ClassmarkL4: LK: Y9: QDC: WEA: 3LM

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