Centre for Policy on Ageing


Making it happen - the report of the first year of the Better Government for Older People Programme 1998-1999
Corporate AuthorBetter Government for Older People Programme - BGOP, Cabinet Office; Age Concern; Anchor Carnegie Trust Age Programme; Help the Aged; Local Government Centre, University of Warwick
PublisherBetter Government for Older People Programme - BGOP, Wolverhampton, 1999
Pages64 pp
SourceBetter Government for Older People Programme, Wolverhampton Science Park, Wolverhampton WV10 9RU.
KeywordsServices ; Health services ; Organisation of care ; Government ; Local government ; Coordination ; Social policy ; Annual reports.
AnnotationThe aims and values of the Better Government for Older People Programme are outlined, and the partner organisations most closely associated explain their involvement. Most of the report describes the local authority pilot projects which have been set up - and their priorities. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990726203 B
ClassmarkI: L: P: VJA: VP: QAJ: TM2: 6KA

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