Centre for Policy on Ageing


Vulnerable older people and action research
 — a consultant's tale
Author(s)Phil Slater
Journal titleCare: the journal of practice and development, vol 7, no 2, May 1999
Pagespp 27-37
KeywordsLiving in the community ; Living alone ; At risk ; Services ; Projects ; Evaluation ; Camden.
AnnotationVulnerability as the social effect of being "at risk" and/or actual "harm" to older people is the starting point of the author's report of an example of action research, the Residents of Concern (ROC) sub-programme of Camden's Vulnerable Older Peoples' Project. Although the author had agreed that his role was not to undertake an independent evaluation of the Project but to facilitate self-evaluation by internal personnel, this article outlines his brief as an external consultant, and considers the Project's evaluation process and its outcomes. The value of action research in promoting older people's well-being is highlighted, in that ROC produced benefits to: the target group (by helping people to re-connect with community networks); the wider community (reducing social exclusion and its social costs); the local welfare agencies (by informing the "strategic" development of community care planning); and the local political constituency (by modelling "better government for older people"). (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990719212 A
ClassmarkK4: K8: CA3: I: 3E: 4C: 82L8

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