Centre for Policy on Ageing


New horizons for INIA [United Nations International Institute on Ageing, Malta]
Author(s)Antony H B de Bono
Journal titleBOLD, vol 9, no 3, May 1999
PublisherInternational Institute on Ageing (United Nations - Malta), May 1999
Pagespp 2-7
KeywordsAgeing process ; Training [welfare work] ; International ; Developing countries.
AnnotationThe United Nations International Institute on Ageing (Malta) (INIA) was established in 1987. Its principle mandate is to help implement the UN Vienna Plan of Action on Ageing which was unanimously adopted by the UN World Assembly on Ageing in 1982 and endorsed by the General Assembly. For the past eleven years, INIA has followed its mandate principally by training people from developing countries worldwide in different fields concerned with ageing, the objective being to train trainers and policy makers in these countries to meet the challenge of the longevity revolution that is now beginning to be experienced for the first time by the developing countries. The countries, having little or no experience of mass ageing, for the most part lack the policy and institutional infrastructure as well as the humanitarian expertise to cope with longevity which will be the most significant socio-economic challenge of the 21st century. In addition to this capacity building, the INIA has conducted research projects, organised international conferences, published data and organised an international information exchange network on ageing. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990716219 A
ClassmarkBG: QW: 72: 7B

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