Centre for Policy on Ageing


Intensive care for very elderly patients
 — outcome and risk factors for in-hospital mortality
Author(s)Nele Van Den Noortgate, Dirk Vogelaers, Marcel Afschrift
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 28, no 3, May 1999
Pagespp 253-256
KeywordsAccident & emergency depts ; Therapeutics ; Evaluation ; At risk ; Death rate [statistics] ; Belgium.
AnnotationRisk factors for in-hospital mortality in the very old are evaluated, particularly as measured by the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II scoring system. The authors retrospectively studied 104 patients aged 85 and over admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) of a Belgian hospital between January 1994 and September 1996. The ICU and in-hospital mortality rates for these patients were 22% and 36% respectively. Factors correlated with a greater in-hospital mortality were: an admission diagnosis of acute respiratory failure, the use of mechanical ventilation and inotropes, complications during ICU admission, in particular acute renal failure, and an APACHE II score of _25. The APACHE II scoring system and the use of inotropes were independently correlated with mortality. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990715209 A
ClassmarkLD6: LL: 4C: CA3: S5: 76E

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