Centre for Policy on Ageing


There is more to receiving than needing
 — theoretical arguments and empirical explorations of crowding in and crowding out
Author(s)Harald Künemund, Martin Rein
Journal titleAgeing and Society, vol 19, part 1, January 1999
Pagespp 93-121
KeywordsFamily care ; Children [offspring] as carers ; Living patterns ; Theory ; Comparison ; Literature reviews ; United States of America ; Canada ; United Kingdom ; Germany ; Japan.
AnnotationRecent literature on intergenerational relations - although giving different explanations - suggests that the giving of money and services to children reinforces the receiving of money and services by older people. To explore the flow to support between generations, the authors present evidence about the type and intensity of the help received by older people from their adult children and their families. By comparing five developed countries - the US, Canada, UK, Germany and Japan - they examine whether the amount of family help transferred to older people is shaped by a "crowding out" process, in which more generous welfare systems displace family solidarity. Taking co-residence into account, the international comparison does not support the crowding out hypothesis. The authors demonstrate that the giving of services by older people to their adult children increases the probability that they receive help from them. This indirectly supports the reverse hypothesis, namely that the relationship between the state and the family may be described as a process of "crowding in": generous welfare systems which give resources to older people help to increase rather than undermine family solidarity. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990616205 A
ClassmarkP6:SJ: P6:SS: K7: 4D: 48: 64A: 7T: 7S: 8: 767: 7DT

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