Centre for Policy on Ageing


The older generation and the European information society: access to the information society
 — Second project report: Inclusion of older people in the information society: policies and initiatives in Europe and EU at national level and in the USA
Author(s)Penny Campbell, Josephine Dries, Rosemarie Gilligan
Corporate AuthorEuropean Institute for the Media; Netherlands Platform for Older People and Europe
PublisherEuropean Institute for the Media, Düsseldorf, 1999
Pages52 pp
SourceEuropean Institute for the Media, Kaistrasse 13, D-40221 Düsseldorf, Germany.
KeywordsInformation technology ; Information services ; Telephone ; Broadcasting ; Computers ; Accessibility ; Social policy ; European Union ; Europe ; France ; Germany ; Netherlands ; Finland ; Spain ; United Kingdom ; United States of America.
AnnotationThe research project, the Older Generation and the European Information Society: Access to the Information Society (AOP-IS), is financed by the European Commission's Information Society Project Office (ISPO) and the Dutch VSB Fund. It covers information and communications technology (ICT) in six EU Member States - Finland, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, and the UK. This second report has been compiled based on the findings of these countries, in addition to reports on European Union and US policy. The report outlines EU and US policy and legislation; describes legislation, government policy and initiatives in the six countries; examines the initiatives and influence on policy of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and local government; and presents the approach taken by industry regarding older people in Europe and the US. The main findings of the two project reports will be the basis of the final project report in July 1999, which will contain the project conclusions, make recommendations for policy and practical initiatives in the area of older people in ICT, and give examples of best practice. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990514002 B
ClassmarkUVB: UV: UJ: UK: 3O: 5CA: TM2: WFC: 74: 765: 767: 76H: 76L: 76S: 8: 7T

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