Centre for Policy on Ageing


The brief case for regulation in health and social care settings
Author(s)Judy Downey
Corporate AuthorEducational Broadcasting Services Trust; Department of Health - DoH; Welsh Office
PublisherEducational Broadcasting Services Trust, London, 1999
Pagestraining pack (5 enclosures in red plastic brief case)
SourceEBS Trust, 36-38 Mortimer Street, London W1N 7RB.
KeywordsServices ; Health services ; Care homes ; Nursing homes ; Management [care] ; Registration eg homes, nursing homes ; Law ; Standards of provision ; Instruction handbooks.
Annotation"The brief case" is designed to help registration and inspection officers working in both health and local authority regulatory settings in England and Wales to safeguard and promote the welfare and well-being of vulnerable people of all ages. It is also intended that legal procedures can be used more effectively. The services regulated include provision for residential and nursing home care, day care, and services for adults with physical, sensory, learning or other disabilities. "The brief case" comprises: a handbook (which includes training exercises); a pack of check cards as a prompt for discussion and as an aide memoire; case papers; and two pocket books for use in recording evidence under the Registered Homes Act 1994. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990511202 M
ClassmarkI: L: KW: LHB: QA: Q3: VR: 583: 69M

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