Centre for Policy on Ageing


Demand for long-term care
 — projections of long-term care finance for elderly people
Author(s)Linda Pickard
Corporate AuthorPersonal Social Services Research Unit - PSSRU, University of Kent
PublisherPSSRU, Canterbury, January 1999
Pages4 pp (Research Bulletin)
SourcePSSRU, Cornwallis Building, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NF. Email: PSSRU@ukc.ac.uk
KeywordsServices ; Domiciliary services ; Nursing homes ; Care homes ; Long term ; Costs [care] ; Public expenditure ; Mathematical models.
AnnotationThe Department of Health (DoH) commissioned the PSSRU to undertake a study of long-term care demand and finance as part of the PSSRU's long-run programme of research at the London School of Economics (LSE). The aims of the study were to make projections of likely demand and expenditure on long-term care for older people in England to 2031. The study considers a range of services relevant to meeting long-term care needs: domiciliary services, residential care homes, nursing homes, and long-stay hospital care. It uses a model which considers aggregate health and social services expenditure and private expenditure, but does not attempt to put a value on informal care. The results of the model are sensitive to a wide range of assumptions, especially those concerning trends in dependency and in real unit costs of care. Projections using the model have been provided to the Royal Commission on Long-Term Care. PSSRU plans to continue work to develop the model and use it to inform policy. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990428205 P
ClassmarkI: N: LHB: KW: 4Q: QDC: WN8: 3LM *

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