Centre for Policy on Ageing


Improving the emergency medical treatment of older nursing home residents
Author(s)Adrian R Turrell, C Mark Castleden
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 28, no 1, January 1999
Pagespp 77-82
KeywordsTherapeutics ; Accident & emergency depts ; Admission [hospitals] ; Residents [care homes] ; Nursing homes ; Research Reviews.
AnnotationThe aim of this review is to examine UK research and explore alternatives to current arrangements for monitoring, assessing, diagnosing and treating older nursing home residents during acute crises. The authors reviewed the UK literature through keyword and author searches of Medline and BIDS from 1982 to 1997. This search is supported by selective reference to other research findings, particularly from North America. The appropriateness of emergency hospital treatment for some frail older people from nursing homes is questioned: the limited research suggests that the effectiveness of treatment in homes and hospitals is poorly evaluated. The authors conclude that emergency care would improve by introducing evidence-based treatment. Improving emergency treatment facilities, access to geriatric advice, and communication between care providers are areas that merit further research. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990427226 A
ClassmarkLL: LD6: LD:QKH: KX: LHB: 3A:6KC

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