Centre for Policy on Ageing


Systematic review of day hospital care for elderly people
Author(s)Anne Forster, John Young, Peter Langhorne
Corporate AuthorDay Hospital Group
Journal titleBritish Medical Journal, vol 318, no 7187, 27 March 1999
Pagespp 837-841
KeywordsDay hospitals ; Domiciliary services ; Independence ; Comparison ; Research Reviews.
AnnotationThe benefits of geriatric day hospital care have been controversial for many years. This systematic review of 12 randomised trials comparing a variety of day hospitals with a range of alternative services (comprehensive care, domiciliary care, or no comprehensive care) found no overall advantage for day hospital care in terms of death, disability or use of resources. However, day hospital trials showed trends towards reductions in hospital bed use and placement in institutional care. Of eight trials reporting costs, six found that day hospital attendance was more expensive than other care, although only two analyses took into account cost of long term care. Day hospital care seems to be an effective service for older people who need rehabilitation, but may have no clear advantage over other comprehensive care. Methodological problems limit these conclusions, and further randomised trials are justifiable. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990424205 A
ClassmarkLDD: N: C3: 48: 3A:6KC *

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