Centre for Policy on Ageing


Welfare in transition
 — trends in poverty and well-being in Central Asia
Author(s)Jane Falkingham
Corporate AuthorESRC Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion - CASE, Suntory-Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines - STICERD, London School of Economics and Political Science
PublisherSTICERD, London, 1999
Pages54 pp (CASEpaper 20)
SourceCentre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE.
KeywordsEconomics ; Poverty ; Social characteristics [elderly] ; Indicators ; Central Asia.
AnnotationThe impact of the transition from a planned to a market economy on living standards and welfare is examined for the five Republics of former Soviet Central Asia - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, along with the Republic of Azerbaijan. A broad definition of welfare is taken, and indicators of well-being include those reflecting the health and education of the population as well as economic measures of poverty and wealth. The picture that emerges is one of a regional population facing severe economic, physical and psycho-social stress. More than half of the population is now living in poverty. Not only have the disadvantages of the "old poor" - including pensioners - been exacerbated, but the economic dislocation of transition has also given rise to new groups of poor: families of workers "on leave without pay", the long-term unemployed, agricultural workers, young people in search of their first job, and refugees. A strategy is needed which should: increase employment opportunities; improve the social safety net; and protect the region's human capital. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990420224 B
ClassmarkW: W6: F: 3RI: 7F

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