Centre for Policy on Ageing


Crisis approaching!
 — the situation facing Sheffield's elderly carers of people with learning disabilities
Author(s)Dalia Magrill, Pascale Handley, Shelagh Gleeson
Corporate AuthorSharing Caring Project, Sheffield
PublisherSharing Caring Project, Sheffield, 1997
Pages35 pp
SourceSharing Caring Project, Norfolk Lodge, Park Grange Road, Sheffield S2 3QF.
KeywordsFamily care ; Over 70s ; Cognitive impairment ; Needs [elderly] ; Services ; Projects ; Social surveys ; Sheffield.
AnnotationThe Sharing Caring Project (SCP), a three-year development project (running from August 1996 to August 1999), was set up to identify the needs of people approaching the age of 70 and still caring for a person with learning disabilities. The SCP has been funded by Family and Community Services and Sheffield Health Authority through Joint Finance, and supported by and based at Sheffield Mencap. This report outlines the findings of questionnaires completed with 60 carers aged 67 and over, and outcomes of six local focus groups of older carers. It aims to present an overall picture of the experiences, needs and concerns of older carers in Sheffield: their health; support in coping at home and support from care professionals; assessment; money-related issues; short-term breaks and respite care; and structured activities for dependents of older carers. In order to be able to continue with caring, carers said the most important things were: to be known; information needs to be met; contact with one central place for links with other organisations; awareness of services; reassurance that help is available in a crisis; and to be involved in planning, assessment and decision-making. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990420217 B
ClassmarkP6:SJ: BBK: E4: IK: I: 3E: 3F: 85C

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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