Centre for Policy on Ageing


Future housing strategies for older people
 — challenges and opportunities: conference findings
Corporate AuthorHousing for Older People in Europe (HOPE)
PublisherHousing for Older People in Europe (HOPE), [Kidlington, Oxon], 1998
Pages31 pp
SourceHOPE, c/o Anchor Trust, Fountain Court, Oxford Spires Business Park, Kidlington, Oxon OX5 1NZ.
KeywordsHousing [elderly] ; Rented dwellings ; Housing Associations ; Social policy ; Conference proceedings ; Europe.
AnnotationIn October 1998, the HOPE Network hosted its first conference in Amsterdam, the aim of which was to bring older people and their representatives together with housing and care providers, policy makers, and academics to consider the future of housing for older people. Sessions covered the general European context of housing and delivery of services; how national governments in the UK and the Netherlands are developing housing and service delivery strategies; the wider role of social housing for older people in Denmark and the Netherlands; and older people as spenders, carers, volunteers and voters. Four parallel workshops allowed participants to discuss examples of local strategies and partnerships, flexible approaches to housing and design, independent living, and maintaining community interaction. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990419005 B
ClassmarkKE: KEE: KKH: TM2: 6M: 74

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