Centre for Policy on Ageing


Social relationships of Latino grandparent caregivers
 — a role theory perspective
Author(s)Denise Burnette
Journal titleThe Gerontologist, vol 39, no 1, February 1999
Pagespp 49-58
KeywordsEthnic groups ; Older women ; Grandparents as carers ; Social roles ; United States of America.
AnnotationThe study concerns 74 Latino, mostly middle-aged and older Puerto Rican and Dominican women, rearing their grandchildren in New York city. 81% of households were below the poverty line. Most grandparents had large families and were socially connected, but two-thirds of households were skipped-generational and many grandparents lacked reliable help with child rearing. Most relied on a local secondary caregiver, usually an adult daughter and extrafamilial supports. These and other sources of strain and support for the grandparent caregiver role in Latino families are discussed, as is the impact of the role on their social relationships. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990331224 A
ClassmarkTK: BD: P6:SW: TM5: 7T

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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