Centre for Policy on Ageing


Clinical governance: quality in the new NHS
 — executive summary
Corporate AuthorNHS Executive, Department of Health - DoH
PublisherDepartment of Health, London, 1999
Pages4 pp
SourceDoH, PO Box 410, Wetherby, LS23 7LN.
KeywordsNational Health Service ; General practice ; Standards of provision.
AnnotationClinical governance is a key part of a 10-year programme of work throughout the NHS to improve quality of patient care, as indicated in the White Paper, "The new NHS: modern, dependable" and the consultation paper, "A first class service: quality in the new NHS". This summary outlines the main aims, identifying four steps which every NHS organisation should take to begin implementation: leadership, assessment, development, and accountability. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990322203 B
ClassmarkL4: L5: 583 *

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