Centre for Policy on Ageing


Statistical News
Corporate AuthorOffice for National Statistics - ONS; Government Statistical Service - GSS
Journal titleStatistical News, 1986, no 72 to 1999, no 125
PublisherThe Stationery Office, London
SourceThe Stationery Office, PO Box 276, London SW8 5DT.
AnnotationThis periodical provides a comprehensive account of new developments in British official statistics, and it is designed to help and inform all with an interest in these statistics. It is published as part of the GSS mission "to provide Parliament, government and the wider community with the statistical information, analysis and advice needed to improve decision making, stimulate research and inform debate." As such it provides details of new and forthcoming official statistical publications and other products from both government departments and other official bodies e.g. Bank of England. Feature articles on UK and overseas statistical developments are also included. Published quarterly. No annual index but articles in recent issues of Statistical News are listed at the back of each issue. Ceased publication with advent of National Statistics. (KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-990317206 H

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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