Centre for Policy on Ageing


Moving on
 — good practice guidelines for involving residents in the closure or refurbishment of sheltered housing
Corporate AuthorAge Concern England - ACE
PublisherAge Concern England, London, January 1999
Pages24 pp (Briefings, ref: 0199)
SourceAge Concern England, Astral House, 1268 London Road, London SW16 4ER.
KeywordsResidents [care homes] ; Sheltered housing ; Improvement ; Closure ; Standards of provision.
AnnotationAge Concern England (ACE) and its AIMS service (Advice Information and Mediation Service for Sheltered Housing) have received an increasing number of enquiries from sheltered housing residents, in both housing association and local authority schemes, concerned about closure of their schemes. These guidelines are intended to assist in the process of consulting residents and minimising the disruption which closing and moving may cause to older people. They set out residents' legal rights, reaching and announcing decisions, and moving to and settling in new accommodation. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990317204 P
ClassmarkKX: KLA: 5ST: 5YW: 583 *

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