Centre for Policy on Ageing


National Required Standards for residential and nursing homes for older people
 — presented to the Department of Health and the Welsh Office by the Centre for Policy on Ageing
Author(s)Kina Avebury
Corporate AuthorAdvisory Group on National Required Standards for Residential and Nursing Homes; Centre for Policy on Ageing - CPA
PublisherCentre for Policy on Ageing, London, January 1999
Pages93 pp
KeywordsCare homes ; Nursing homes ; Registration eg homes, nursing homes ; Standards of provision ; Government publications.
AnnotationThese National Required Standards (NRSs) are the result of work by the Centre for Policy on Ageing (CPA) supported by an Advisory Group chaired by Kina, Lady Avebury (under the direction of Gillian Dalley). The intention of these NRSs has been to focus on what are to be required as essential standards which ought to be common to all establishments (i.e. all registered residential and nursing homes). The NRSs refer to relevant legislation and regulations, and cover issues which include: residents' rights; quality of care; staffing; diet and nutrition; personal and health care; and accommodation. Whilst the NRSs represent the floor below which no provider is permitted to fall, the document is not a code of best or aspirational practice, and there will be room for diversity. Presented to the Department of Health (DoH) on 19 January 1999, the document was published by the DoH on 8 September as Part Two of the consultation document, "Fit for the future? National Required Standards for residential and nursing homes for older people". (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990312002 B
ClassmarkKW: LHB: Q3: 583: 6OA

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