Centre for Policy on Ageing


A new contract for welfare : partnership in pensions
 — presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Social Security
Corporate AuthorDepartment of Social Security - DSS
PublisherThe Stationery Office - TSO, London, 1998
Pages121 pp (Cm 4179)
SourceThe Stationery Office, Publications Centre, PO Box 276, London SW8 5DT.
KeywordsPensions ; Supplementary pensions ; Private pensions ; Preparation [retirement] ; Social policy ; Government publications.
AnnotationDescriptions of the current pension system and the effect of current pension policies preface reasons why these will fail to meet future demands. The Government proposes an affordable pension system which ensures that everyone has the opportunity to achieve a decent income in retirement; enables people who can save to see the benefits of saving for their retirement; and provides security for those who cannot save. Later chapters outline specific policies: a new minimum income guarantee for the poorest pensioners; proposals for reform of the State Earnings Related Pensions Scheme (SERPS) to help people build better second pensions; stakeholder pensions; plans to strengthen and support occupational pension schemes; and how current levels of pension savings can be increased. Recognition is given to the need to improve information and awareness of pensions, and to improve services for pensioners claiming state pensions and benefits. Financial implications of the reforms for individuals and the state are outlined only briefly. There has already been consultation on stakeholder pension schemes; but comments on other topics are invited by 31 March 1999. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990311001 B
ClassmarkJJ: JJH: JK: GA: TM2: 6OA

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