Centre for Policy on Ageing


With respect to old age: long term care - rights and responsibilities: community care and informal care
 — research volume 3: a report by the Royal Commission on Long Term Care: Part 1: Evaluating the impact of caring for people: Part 2: Policy options for informal carers of elderly people
Author(s)Sir Stewart Sutherland , Melanie Henwood, Gerald Wistow , Linda Pickard
Corporate AuthorRoyal Commission on Long Term Care; Nuffield Institute for Health, University of Leeds; Personal Social Services Research Unit - PSSRU; London School of Economics
PublisherThe Stationery Office, London, March 1999
Pages98 pp (Cm 4192-II/3)
SourceThe Publications Centre, PO Box 276, London SW8 5DT.
KeywordsHealth services ; Services ; Organisation of care ; Long term ; Family care ; Needs [elderly] ; Finance [care] ; Social policy ; Reports.
AnnotationThe Royal Commission on Long Term Care was appointed in December 1997 to consider the short and long term options for the funding of long term care for older people, both in their own homes and in other settings, and how the cost of such care should be shared between public funds and individuals. This is volume three (of three) of research undertaken for the Commission to examine community care and informal care. The first part focuses on the impact of the 1993 Caring for People Reforms, and includes the following: An evidence-based perspective from the Department of Health (DoH) on the impact of the 1993 reforms, Raymond Warburton and John McCracken, DoH; Enabling older people to live in their own homes, Tessa Harding, Help the Aged; Impact of the NHS and Community Care Act (1990) on informal carers, Gillian Parker, Nuffield Community Care Studies Unit, University of Leicester; Assessment and care management, David Challis, Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU); Promoting the development of an independent sector, William Laing, Paul Saper, Laing and Buisson; Value for money, David Browning, Audit Commission. The second part looks at various policy options to support informal carers. (AKM).
Accession NumberCPA-990309409 B
ClassmarkL: I: P: 4Q: P6:SJ: IK: QC: TM2: 6K

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