Centre for Policy on Ageing


With respect to old age: long term care - rights and responsibilities
 — a report by the Royal Commission on Long Term Care
Author(s)Sir Stewart Sutherland
Corporate AuthorRoyal Commission on Long Term Care
PublisherThe Stationery Office, London, March 1999
Pages4 volumes (Cm 4192-I-II/1-3)
SourceThe Publications Centre, PO Box 276, London SW8 5DT.
KeywordsHealth services ; Services ; Organisation of care ; Long term ; Finance [care] ; Care homes ; Nursing homes ; Reports.
AnnotationThe Royal Commission on Long Term Care was appointed in December 1997 to consider the short and long term options for the funding of long term care for older people, both in their own homes and in other settings, and how the cost of such care should be shared between public funds and individuals. This is the final report of the Commission, which consists of two parts: the main report, which presents an analysis of the current system of funding and the findings and recommendations for the future; and three research volumes. The main findings and recommendations were: care costs will be affordable, as there is no demographic time bomb; the costs of long-term care should be split between housing and living costs, which should continue to be means-tested, and personal care costs, which should be available after needs assessment, and paid for through taxation; nursing care should be free; a national carer support package to be developed; an independent National Care Commission to be set up to monitor demographic and spending trends, and set national benchmarks; the limit of the means-test for payment of residential and nursing home fees to be raised from £16,000 to £60,000. (AKM).
Accession NumberCPA-990309405 B
ClassmarkL: I: P: 4Q: QC: KW: LHB: 6K

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