Centre for Policy on Ageing


"The case for investing in quality health services for older people"
 — Zeneca Lecture, autumn meeting 1998
Author(s)Nick Bosanquet
Corporate AuthorBritish Geriatric Society - BGS
Journal titleBGS Newsletter, January 1999
Pagespp 11-13
KeywordsHealth services ; General practice ; Quality ; Lecture papers.
AnnotationNick Bosanquet, Professor of Health Policy at Imperial College gave the Zeneca lecture. It focuses on how geriatrics through Primary Care Groups (PCGs), must contribute to a range of services across a geographical area to provide effective, feasible and fundable programmes of more integrated care from both health and social services. Those of significance to older people will focus on health promotion, improving therapy in primary and community care and cost-effective programmes for people with severe long-term illness such as stroke, cancer and Alzheimer's disease. A mixed economy of care can lead to a rapid expansion in services, but there is a need to reduce the total of residential, nursing and hospital places by a fifth in order to fund these intensive support services. (KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-990211201 A
ClassmarkL: L5: 59: 6MA

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