Centre for Policy on Ageing


Low intensity support
 — preventing dependency
Corporate AuthorJoseph Rowntree Foundation - JRF
Journal titleFoundations, 159, January 1999
PublisherJoseph Rowntree Foundation, York, January 1999
Pages5 pp
SourceJoseph Rowntree Foundation, The Homestead, 40 Water End, York YO30 6WP.
KeywordsDomestic services [domiciliary] ; Self help organisations ; Informal care ; Visiting ; Voluntary workers ; Independence ; Living in the community ; Community care.
AnnotationReforms to community care have emphasised independence, choice and dignity, but with the focus on those with the greatest needs. So far, there has been no attempt to consider strategy on preventive services for those who do not qualify for full social services assistance. Low intensity support can help prevent people reaching crisis point and enable them to remain in their own homes. This edition of "Foundations" considers how users perceive their services and needs, and highlights some innovative examples of support: befriending schemes; help with housework; and group support networks such as the KeyRing agency and Home-Link. It assesses what users want, discusses what best practice might be, and investigates some of the dilemmas for providers, and the implications for policy reform. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990206214 A
ClassmarkNG: PQ: P6: NP: QV: C3: K4: PA

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