Centre for Policy on Ageing


Income security for the elderly in developing countries
 — issues and suggestions
Author(s)V Sarveswara Naik
Journal titleResearch & Development Journal, vol 4, nos 1, October 1997
PublisherHelpAge India, October 1997
Pagespp 13-17
KeywordsIncome [older people] ; Social welfare ; Social policy ; Developing countries.
AnnotationBy 2025, is is estimated that more than 72% of the world's over 60s will be living in developing countries. This article lists some of the issues and areas of action for planning older people's income security. Policies drawing on international developments should consider: work and employment options after retirement; financial support from various sources; social and economic support for those without family support; healthcare and health services; and housing to suit older people's special needs. The state, with active assistance and participation of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), should be responsible for implementing such plans and policies. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990202219 A
ClassmarkJF: TY: TM2: 7B

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