Centre for Policy on Ageing


Two-unit reliability analysis of questionnaires used in a regulatory system
Author(s)Rachel Fleishman, Dror Walk, Gad Mizrahi
Journal titleEvaluation Review, vol 20, no 5, October 1996
Pagespp 580-595
KeywordsCare homes ; Inspection ; Questionnaires ; Evaluation ; Variance analysis ; Israel.
AnnotationAn interjudge reliability test was conducted to evaluate questionnaires used for inspection of residential care institutions in Israel. Because the reliability test was carried out as part of the routine inspection programme and not as part of a controlled experiment, it was subject to deviations from the optimal reality test model. However, this non-pure design provided an opportunity to not only examine the reliability of the items in the assessment tool, but also to gain a better understanding of the use of a reliability test in an "imperfect" field setting. Two different surveyor teams administered the 257 questions on the questionnaire to a representative sample of 32 institutions on two separate occasions. In order to explain the variance in the reliability scores, a multivariate analysis was conducted for two units of analysis: the inspection questions and the institutions. Based on the results of the reliability test, changes were introduced to improve the questionnaires and their administration. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990121205 A
ClassmarkKW: 3U: 3DA: 4C: 3YA: 7H6 *

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