Centre for Policy on Ageing


Caring and coping with loss in dementia
 — evaluating a psychosocial intervention for informal carers of people with dementia
Author(s)Karen Moore, MarieClaire Shankland, Lorena Cain
Corporate AuthorCommunity Health Sheffield NHS Trust
PublisherCommunity Health Sheffield, Sheffield, 1998
Pages6 pp (Executive summary)
SourceLorena Cain, Project Coordinator, Caring & Coping with Loss in Dementia, Northern General Hospital Psychiatric Unit, Herries Road, Sheffield S5 7AU. tel: 0114 2463858
KeywordsDementia ; Informal care ; Psychology [care] ; Stress ; Projects ; Sheffield.
AnnotationFunded by the Service Improvement and Development Programme of Community Health Sheffield, the two-year Caring and Coping with Loss in Dementia project began in July 1996. Its aims and objectives were: to develop a facilitator-led intervention for carers of people with dementia, focusing on the emotional and problem solving aspects of caring for and coping with "loss" of a relative with dementia; to reach between 80 and 100 carers during the 2-year period; and to evaluate the efficacy of the intervention. Initial Assessment Data confirmed that the target population of informal carers in their early caring careers was successfully reached. Significant results for the intervention population were observed across all measures, and were of benefit. Qualitative post-intervention questionnaire analysis indicated that carers had enjoyed participating, and had found the intervention useful and relevant. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990115202 P
ClassmarkEA: P6: QN: QNH: 3E: 85C *

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