Centre for Policy on Ageing


Sheltered housing is changing
 — a workshop : Saturday 7th November 1998
Author(s)Peter Lloyd
Corporate AuthorCentre for Social Policy and Social Work, University of Sussex; Sussex Gerontology Network, Sheltered Housing Group
PublisherSchool of Social Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton, 1998
Pages12 pp
SourceProfessor Peter Lloyd, School of Social Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9SN.
KeywordsSheltered housing ; Wardens ; Management [care] ; Conference proceedings.
AnnotationSheltered housing is increasingly seen as an essential ingredient in "seamless" packages of care and support offered to older people. This workshop discussed themes raised in a National Housing Federation's 1996 publication, "Challenging times: the changing role of the warden". Speakers outlined the report's key messages and the financial implications of the increased levels of service provided. Workshop sessions examined a series of propositions in a questionnaire, including: sheltered housing should provide a home for life; the warden should be resident on site; the warden should be substantially involved in the care and support of residents in helping to create and monitoring care packages; and residents should have a say in the level of services provided. This report summarises the presentations, and analyses comments and responses to the questionnaire. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990112228 P
ClassmarkKLA: QRW: QA: 6M *

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