Centre for Policy on Ageing


Economic insecurity
Author(s)Lars Osberg
Corporate AuthorSocial Policy Research Centre - SPRC, University of New South Wales
Journal titleSPRC Discussion Paper, no 88, 1998
Pages54 pp
KeywordsPoverty ; Ill health ; Unemployment ; Poor elderly ; Widows ; Econometrics.
Annotation`Economic insecurity' is rarely discussed in the professional economics literature, and has received little emphasis in recent policy-making in OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) nations. This paper argues that economic insecurity should receive more attention, because it affects individual well-being, personal identity and labour market behaviour; and because the welfare state was largely motivated by a desire to decrease insecurity. The paper then examines trends in the economic implications of four sources of economic insecurity - illness, unemployment, `widowhood', and old age - and discusses the differences between `economic insecurity' and `risk', before turning to a discussion of how best to measure economic insecurity. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990112223 P
ClassmarkW6: CH: WH6: F:W6: SP: WE

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