Centre for Policy on Ageing


Guidelines for the design of screen and web phones to be accessible by visually disabled persons
Author(s)John Gill
Corporate AuthorVistel Consortium, Telematics Programme, Disabled and Elderly Sector, European Commission; Royal National Institute for the Blind - RNIB
PublisherRNIB, London, 1998
Pages28 pp
SourceRNIB, 224 Great Portland Street, London W1N 6AA.
KeywordsVisual impairment ; Telephone ; Information technology ; Design ; Standards of provision.
AnnotationThis publication intends to show designers of screen and web telephones how such equipment can be made to be accessible and usable by visually impaired people. Many of the recommendations are also applicable for deafblind people and those with dyslexia. Information is based on the results of the VISTEL project, the aim of which has been to adapt screen phones to make them easily accessible for visually impaired people. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990112219 B
ClassmarkBR: UJ: UVB: 33: 583

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