Centre for Policy on Ageing


Research into leisure, community involvement and older people in Lewisham
 — full report
Corporate AuthorPolicy and Equalities Unit, London Borough of Lewisham; Centre for Policy on Ageing - CPA
PublisherLewisham Council, Lewisham, 1998
Pages88 pp
SourceLondon Borough of Lewisham, Policy and Equalities Unit, Town Hall, Catford, London SE6 4RU.
KeywordsRecreation ; Voluntary work [elderly] ; Retirement ; Preparation [retirement] ; Residents [care homes] ; Ethnic groups ; Lewisham.
AnnotationLewisham Council's Equalities and Community Affairs Committees commissioned this research by the Centre for Policy on Ageing (CPA), as it was considered important to have detailed information on the following areas: people who are preparing for retirement or who have just retired; the leisure needs of black and minority ethnic elders; and the leisure needs of older people in residential homes. The research outlines the opportunities and challenges facing all those involved (older people, the Council, voluntary sector and private sectors). This full report describes the main features of the research design and methodology. It explores local documentary data of the demographic profile, leisure and leisure-related policy and patterns of leisure service provision for older people in Lewisham. It considers perspectives of key stakeholders in leisure and community involvement; and discusses the issues arising from the research for service change and development with regard to policy and provision, with examples of good practice. The report recommends that leisure should be firmly located within the current development of corporate and inter-agency strategies for older people's services. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990112217 B
ClassmarkH: GHH: G3: GA: KX: TK: 82LO

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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