Centre for Policy on Ageing


Gerontological nursing research
 — AgeNet/Royal College of Nursing workshop, Tuesday 1 December 1998, Regent's College, London NW1
Corporate AuthorAgeNet; Royal College of Nursing - RCN
PublisherAgeNet, London, 1998
SourceAgeNet, Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine, Charterhouse Square, London EC1M 6BQ.
KeywordsNursing ; Ageing process ; Research ; Conference proceedings.
AnnotationGerontological nursing is undergoing a great deal of change in its position in health care and its overall contribution to the health status of older people. This workshop was organised to explore the development of a "user" focused research agenda in gerontological nursing. Among its aims were to: identify strengths and weaknesses of gerontological nursing research; explore the contribution of older people to the development of a gerontological nursing research agenda; and consider a multidisciplinary dimension and identify common research interests and potential areas of collaboration. This document outlines speakers' presentations. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990112212 B
ClassmarkLQ: BG: 3A: 6M

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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