Centre for Policy on Ageing


Eating matters
 — a resource for improving dietary care in hospitals
Author(s)Senga Bond
Corporate AuthorCentre for Health Services Research / Institute for Health of the Elderly, University of Newcastle; Department of Health - DoH
PublisherUniversity of Newcastle; Department of Health, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1998
Pagesvarious pagings (looseleaf binder and leaflets)
SourceThe Centre for Health Services Research, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 21 Claremont Place, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4AA.
KeywordsNutrition ; Diet ; Food ; Hospital services ; Nurses ; Instruction handbooks.
Annotation"Eating matters" has been compiled in response to requests from nurses for help in improving standards of dietary care. It contains suggestions to enable nurses and other ward staff to identify actual or potential problems for individual patients, or with the organisational aspects of nutrition. The pack has been designed as an everyday resource that nurses can tailor to their specific needs, and is arranged in nine sections, each with a different focus. Section 1 is an introduction, while Section 2, How much does eating matter? asks readers to examine their values about the importance of dietary care. Section 3, on evidence about eating and dietary needs, is a literature review. Section 4, Educating ward staff, is devoted to education and training. Section 5, Swallowing: a specific problem affecting eating, was selected for detailed treatment, as it affects a large number of patients in hospital. Sections 6-8 - on making eating better, patient case studies, and auditing dietary care - provide some specific examples and suggestions. Section 9, Resources, includes a glossary. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990112201 B
ClassmarkCF: CFD: YP: LD: QTE: 69M

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