Centre for Policy on Ageing


Searching for care 1997/8: older people
Author(s)Lee Fitzjohn
Corporate AuthorCare Homes Information Network (CHIN), London Research Centre
PublisherLondon Research Centre, London, 1998
Pages12 pp (Care Homes Information Network - CHIN)
SourceCHIN, London Research Centre. Tel: 0171 787 5684/5695.
KeywordsCare homes ; Nursing homes ; Referrals ; Admission ; Statistics [data] ; London.
AnnotationSince it was established in 1993, the Care Homes Information network (CHIN) has provided local authority staff with information about residential homes, nursing homes and other resources for adult client groups located in and around the London area. This paper is one of a series which analyse in detail CHIN's searches for specific client groups, the aim being to identify those groups it is proving most difficult to find appropriate residential and nursing care. Analysis of the search data over the 1997/98 financial year suggests a shortage of care for older mentally ill clients, those suffering with dementia, and confused older people. Placement officers (who include care managers and social workers) continue to face difficulties in finding appropriate residential or nursing care for ethnic minority people in London. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990108202 B
ClassmarkKW: LHB: L5R: QKH: 6C: 82L *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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