Centre for Policy on Ageing


Pensions and retirement planning
 — a report of qualitative research carried out by Alan Hedges on behalf of the Department of Social Security
Author(s)Alan Hedges
Corporate AuthorDepartment of Social Security - DSS
PublisherCorporate Document Services (CDS), London, 1998
Pages164 pp (Department of Social Security Research report, no 83)
SourceCDS, Savile House, Trinity Arcade, Leeds LS1 6QW.
KeywordsPensions ; Private pensions ; Preparation [retirement] ; Social policy ; Social surveys.
AnnotationThe findings are presented of a study of public knowledge, attitudes, values and behaviour in relation to pensions and retirement planning. These are designed to inform the Government's Pensions Review, and to feed into related policy considerations. The research, involving 97 members of the public in sixteen group discussions, was carried out by the author, an independent researcher, in Autumn 1997. The study covered a broad cross-section of the adult population, including both pensioners and people of working age. The report considers and presents findings on: expectations of retirement; pensions planning; private pensions; state pensions; the future of the pension system; information and advice; and consideration of key sub-groups (self-employed, young people, women, part-timers, and low earners). (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-990106204 B
ClassmarkJJ: JK: GA: TM2: 3F

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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