Centre for Policy on Ageing


Self-rated health, physician-rated health and associated factors among elderly men
 — the Finnish cohorts of the Seven Countries Study
Author(s)Paula Kivinen, Pirjo Halonen, Minna Eronen
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 27, no 1, January 1998
Pagespp 41-48
KeywordsOlder men ; Health [elderly] ; Ill health ; Self care capacity ; Mobility ; General practitioners ; Screening ; Evaluation ; Finland.
AnnotationDiscrepancy between self-rating and rating of health by a general practitioner (GP) is due to the fact that being healthy means different things to different people. This Finnish study of 470 men aged 70-89 years used a self-administered questionnaire and clinical examination. General health status estimated by GPs correlated weakly with self-rated health. The strongest determinants of self-rated health were depression, coronary heart disease, and dysuria. Activity of daily living (ADL), coronary heart disease and chronic lung disease were independently related to physician-rated health. The discrepancy found in ratings of health between GPs and the subjects themselves can be explained by different appreciation of ageing in the assessment of health status. After adjustment for medical conditions, age did not relate to self-perceived health, whereas there was a significant association between age and GPs' ratings. Depressions and symptoms which explained self-ratings were not related to GPs' assessments. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-981208214 A
ClassmarkBC: CC: CH: CA: C4: QT6: 3V: 4C: 76L

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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