Centre for Policy on Ageing


Surveillance of institutions for the semi-independent and frail elderly
 — a guide for surveyors
Author(s)Rachel Fleishman, Gad Mizrahi, Miriam Bar-Giora
Corporate AuthorJDC-Brookdale Institute of Gerontology and Human Development; Division for Personal and Social Services, Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (Israel)
PublisherJDC-Brookdale Institute, Jerusalem, 1995
Pages195 pp
SourceJDC-Brookdale Institute of Gerontology and Human Development, POB 13087, Jerusalem 91130, Israel.
KeywordsCare homes ; Quality of life ; Registration eg homes, nursing homes ; Inspection ; Evaluation ; Israel.
AnnotationThe Method for Regulation, Assessment, Follow-Up and Continuous Improvement of Quality of Care (RAF Method) was devised by the JDC-Brookdale Institute, and formally adopted as a surveillance (inspection) system in long-term care institutions for older people in Israel by the Service for the Aged of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in 1993. This manual, for use by surveyors (inspectors), is a comprehensive guide to the system. It includes written guidelines, forms, questionnaires and reports used during the surveillance process. (AKM).
Accession NumberCPA-981203208 B
ClassmarkKW: F:59: Q3: 3U: 4C: 7H6

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